Wednesday 24 February 2016

Tutorial #1

After the second day of our experiment we had a group tutorial with our Tutor to discuss our progress to date and the potential development of our ‘publication’.

Key points raised:

·         What are our hypothesis for the experiment? What did we hope to find out and have we proved or disproved this with our collected data?

1.       Because we are in the middle of collecting data, we are still waiting for the evidence to inform the direction of our final outcome.

2.       We discussed the idea of an interactive publication, using Q codes and raised ideas about the importance of sound when interacting with the publication.

3.       We can use some of the information gathered in our abstracts to help formulate the hypothesis.  

·         What are the options for the outcome? How can we make the outcome engage the viewer enough to further explore our archive of evidence?

1.       We discussed the idea of a large format fold out poster for our creative data visualisation, combined with an online presence where viewers could further explore the project. Mike mentioned that we should not underestimate the importance of the publication as a vehicle for engagement with the rest of our findings. We need to make sure that viewers are intrigued enough to want to explore the ‘website’.

2.       We need to think carefully about the pagination of the publication, if it is a fold out poster, then how do the information graphics relate to each other once open, and throughout the different stages of unfolding.

3.       We need to think about how paper folds and investigate potential folding systems.

4.       Kal, because she has a science background, is happy to analyse the data. Something I would struggle to do. We need to make sure that she feels happy with her contribution to both the scientific side and the practical realisation.

·         How are we going to manage our time over the next 6 weeks to maximize the potential of this project?

1.       We have a timetable that we were sticking to in order to organise, build and conduct our experiment. Once the experiment is complete, we need to have a meeting as a group to outline job roles for the next 5 weeks.

2.       There are positives and negatives here. We can work independently on the visualizations, and bring our ideas together weekly or via email to review, develop and amend. So there is less of a need to be meeting up consistently outside of uni. However we need to make sure that everyone feels happy with their contribution and gets something out of the project.

3.       Continued review, evaluation and reflection on this will be the best way to move the project forward and maintain our group dynamic.

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