Tuesday 9 February 2016

Meeting 09.02

Meeting 09/02/16

Discussion with the rest of the MA groups about the development of our ideas. Each of us wrote an abstract explaining the key concepts, methodologies and research behind the idea. We answered some of the questions posed in the previous session and outlined what we had achieved in the week.

For example:
·      Meeting with Sam Wheil to discuss ideas.
·      Introduced interaction through choice.
·      Confirmed venue for 10 days 15th – 25th February.
·      Researched and sourced sound equipment.
·      Design pod unit for installation with the help of the 3D department and arranged installation for Monday 15th February.

We are continuing along our projected timetable. Discussion as a group about the days to run the experiment.

Testing to run from the 15th to the 17th

Data Collection to run from the 23rd to 25th.

We initially were going to run the installation for one day, but it conflicts with an Art school trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. So we have extended the data collection to run over three days to try to make sure we capture as much info as possible.

During the seminar we looked at a number of publications, to help inspire the ideas for our final output. We discussed potential online archiving of the information and perhaps a cd with the sound profiles on. We are all going to research music packaging and other publications options.
We were assigned Mike and Adam as personal tutors.

For next week:
·      Flyers and posters                                                                         E & K
·      Print posters and distribute                                                            A & K
·      Order MP3 players and speakers                                                  A
·      Select specific sounds                                                                   E
·      Questionnaire design                                                                     A & E
·      Consent form                                                                                 E & K
·      Instructions                                                                                    K
·      See Leslie about paper                                                                 K
·      Photograph pod construction                                                       ALL
·      Research music packaging and other online publication options.     ALL

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