Friday 19 February 2016


Go Pro

We conducted some preliminary recording experiments using the Go Pro cameras. We set up an aerial wide angle shot to capture the whole test sheet from above and the movement across the sheet. We also set up a normal angle view from the left corner of the unit to give a variety of shots to edit together. We were able to download the Go Pro app to control the cameras from our phones. 

android app available here
apple app available here 

MP3 Players and speakers

The speakers and MP3 players arrived and we were able to test the volume and quality of the sound. Although the quality isnt super high, its perfect for the scale of our experiment. each MP3 player has an 8GB memory card, which means we can make each sound play for 2 mins. the only potential downside to the mp3 players is that they dont have a screen to indicate which number track is playing. This could potentially cause problems for the 2nd experiments with the 'unpleasent' sounds.

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