Friday 5 February 2016

MP3 players and speakers

So we need to find a way of making the sound output interactive. Originally we thought tape players, or cd players would be the best way for participants to interact with the sound 'bites'. We had not  considered that both technologies were massively out of date, certainly tape players occupy the retro side of technology. This means that not only getting them would be difficult but also they would be more expensive because of the retro factor. Another thing to consider with tape players would be finding the means to record sound on to tapes.

We were advised to see Milos in the IT department to get his advice. He said that uni had old dvd players that we could use, but this would involve setting up tv screens to select the sound. Also the interaction would be complicated and stilted. He suggested MP3 players, as they are relatively cheap, user friendly and easy to install. So I have been researching MP3 players: the average cost for a small micro sd card mp3 player is anything from £2.00-£5.00
Considering that we would need 6, plus an extra 6 sd cards (in order to swap the sound files) that's pretty reasonable.

Each of the MP3 players will need a set of portable speakers which cost from £2.50 upwards.

Other things to consider: Battery life, charging and recharging and changing batteries.

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