Wednesday 10 February 2016

Reflection 09.02.16

Reflective practice is the capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning. According to one definition it involves "paying critical attention to the practical values and theories which inform everyday actions, by examining practice reflectively and reflexively. This leads to developmental insight" A key rationale for reflective practice is that experience alone does not necessarily lead to learning; deliberate reflection on experience is essential. (

In order to really develop my own reflective practice and professional practice, I am going to use a reflective cycle to focus my thoughts. This is Gibbs’ (1988) 6 stages of reflection.
We had to present a clear abstract of the concept for our project, including specific ideas about the experiment, particularly what we intended to include and how we have selected the sounds, using research references. We had a group discussion about the idea of a publication and were shown examples of what a publication could be. We were also assigned tutors for progression tutorials and specific support.

We were asked to ‘go first’ to present our abstract, which although seems like a childish thing to focus on but despite it being a bit frustrating it shows that we are doing something right. We also seem to be pretty far along with the development stages of our project, which is also a good thing. The feedback we have received so far seems positive, which is good. I certainly feel that we have pushed on ambitiously with this project. I hope that it doesn’t mean that we run out of steam post content collection. The research, organisation and planning that it has taken to even get close to having an installation has been unreal. Perhaps, in reflection, we were being over ambitious with the idea that we could arrange a data collection activity as part of such a short project. However, having said that, we have been able to organise what hopes to be an interesting happening at the very least. The outcome has become almost a secondary thing at the moment, mainly because we have no control over that.
After we have completed the data collection we can refocus our attention on the output. I think this is where we can really try something different with information we collect. It’s going to be important to really push the concept of a publication to something contemporary but also suitable for the participants. There needs to be a tangible product (in so much as we have promised participants a copy of a publication) but also a challenging output in terms of our own development. We need to research some cd packaging design and other potential output solutions. This could be a website archive or maybe an app, in conjunction with a printed element, like a poster, newspaper, or booklet. . It would be interesting to consider an output that had an interactive quality too.

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