Tuesday 1 March 2016

Tutorial #2

A week after our experiment we had a second meeting with Mike to discuss how we had developed the planning for our publication and the strategies we had put in place for the next few weeks.

Key points raised: 

We discussed more ideas about the publication, building on our previous idea about a folding large format poster. We played around with some initial paper folding ideas, to look at configuration of information and pagination.

We need to think about a platform for all the other information. A website, or archive for participants to access the rest of the information, the videos, sound tracks and animations, also the analytical information about the experiment with links to blogs and further research. We are all going to research potential web platforms.

Mike suggested that we made one large poster, but we had already bribed the participants by saying that they would get a free copy of the publication. Although this is an added thing to consider, it forces us to think creatively about materials, processes and quality. We looked at the Risograph printer and are considering the potential of producing two variants of the poster, one high quality large format print, for submission and a series of small format Risopgraph prints for the participants. We could increase the appeal of the prints by numbering them as an edition and including a highlighted participant name. The rest of the information would be available for participants to look at online.

We split the tasks for the next week into three distinct areas based on our individual skill set:            
Data Analysis – KAL
Layout and Colour Hierarchy – ERIKA
Paper Formatting – AMY

We have given ourselves a week to complete the initial research into these areas, confirming decisions about format and layout based on the data analysis. Some of the decisions are dependent on the quality of the data from the analysis.

Other tasks:
            Video editing – ERIKA
            Animation exploration and Soundtrack editing – AMY
 Hard copy – written information about the experiment – KAL

These tasks, although important, are less pressing initially and can be worked on over the next few weeks. We need to review these tasks in the middle of March to check progress.

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