Tuesday 8 March 2016

Meeting 08.02

We met prior to the group discussion to talk about the presentation and make some amendments. We started to manipulate and play with the folded prototypes, planning pagination, shapes and format. We were able to build on Kal’s previously suggested idea of using an atom as the basis for the formatting. After looking closely at the folded poster we were able to break the poster down into a simple grid system to use as individual ‘pages/surfaces’ for information. The fold system created some interesting crops and shapes that we were able to exploit as part of the design on the content.


Post-it notes:
Some initial ideas about potential circular layout designs.
Pages 1 & 2 designs:  The blue and green represent the separation between pleasent and unpleasent sounds. This will include information about colour choices, gender and department. (KAL) Opens out to reveal Page 3 design: Again the blue and the green represent the separation between pleasent and unpleasent sounds. The central circle will be sound, the other two will show visualizations about ethnicity and age. (ERIKA) This opens out to reveal design 4: This will be a data visualization mapping the movement and colour. This will include names of participants and possibly the photographs. (AMY)

We have designated tasks for the next two weeks:


KAL – circular visualizations of colour, department and gender.

ERIKA – circular visualizations of sound, age and ethnicity.

AMY – poster design mapping movement.

We will meet on the 15/03/16 to check progress and start bringing the visuals together.

Other tasks to be completed over the next two weeks:

KAL – bead necklace visualizations, hard copy for publication.

AMY – animation, typing meeting notes, plan for submission, layout plan.

ERIKA – video editing.

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