Wednesday 2 March 2016

Reflection 01.03.16

The progress so far on this project has been good.  I hate using the word good to describe a process but at present, until the final realisations start manifesting themselves, I feel like good is the best description. They definitely show potential, but it rests on the ability for the three of us to work together to create something magical together.

After our tutorial, I worry that my projected vision of what could be produced is totally different from everyone else’s. I envisaged an intricately beautifully realised data visualization and therein lies the problem, one that I always struggle with: ‘envisaging’. In planning a potential outcome, or pinning my hopes on a specific visualisation not only am I taking away any creativity from the process of making I am also controlling and manipulating the collaboration. I am not averse to leading some aspects of the collaboration, like decision making, or organising. But in enforcing my ‘vision’ I am not valuing the creative skill set of my peers and that is (surely) the point of this module! Certainly for me, working closely with others is a way to tap into new processes and develop new understanding of different areas.

There is something else lurking in this anxiety of relinquishing the final product about a lack of understanding of my own practice. (Something raised in my FMP tutorial too!) Perhaps understanding is the wrong word here, but certainly the value, and nature of my own practice requires reflection and re-examination in order to ‘let go’ of the final product. I also need to have a belief in the ability of not just my peers, who have an outstanding and diverse set of skills, but also in myself. The extensive reading I have been doing for Research and Practice 2 is constantly sitting at the forefront of my mind and working collaboratively is really challenging the idea of the role of illustration. Perhaps this is part of what is making me question my contribution to this collaborative project, not just an anxiety about my own practice but the role of illustration within the creative world. This is truly engagement with illustration practice on a wider level than I was expecting from the MA, which is good and bad. The bad, only insomuch as, I am projecting a negative spin on it. I need to change the way I think about my own practice and embrace the freedom of illustration

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