Wednesday 16 March 2016

Meeting 15.03.16

Points discussed:

1.       Development of data visualizations.

We had spent the previous week working on our format, grid system and data analysis for the publication. We distributed individual tasks to develop the content. Erika had produced 3 atomic shaped graphs, Kal had produced 3 atomic shaped graphs and I had produced the grid template and a poster.

We decided that in order for the publication to feel cohesive we needed to rework some of the graphs to make the line weight, colours and typography consistent. The content for the poster also needs reworking to make it harmonise with the informational and scientific visualizations of the graphs.


2.       We need to research batch production to think of ways to highlight participants names, websites etc. Mike suggested Jake Tilson.


3.       Mike ran through the assessment for the module. 70% is a summative exhibition, 30% is documentation. Our data collection event is our exhibition. Obviously this has been and gone, so in order to cover that part of the assessment we need to properly document that through the blogs, including an edited video of the process of designing, developing and executing the experiment. I have contacted John Byrne about the evaluation process.


We also decided on our printing day for the publication. We will be printing the publication using the Risograph on Thursday 24th March. We will be using a 4 colour separation and doing a double sided A3 print. The printed posters will need to be cut, numbered and folded for distribution. Our final designs and layouts will be completed by Tuesday 22nd March.

Unfortunately Kal could not make it to the tutorial as she has prior commitments for her Research Practice 2 module. We arranged to feedback information from the tutorial to Kal.

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