Tuesday 19 January 2016

Reflections 19.01.16

Although I consider myself to be a freelance illustrator, and the root of much commercial illustration is through collaboration, the idea of collaborating across disciplines and with 'unknowns' is initially a tricky one. How will our work work together? How can the group dynamic affect the direction and success of a project? Is the success of the final realisation important? What if I don't like someone's idea? What if they don't like mine? 

After re-reading the brief (numerous times) I started to formulate some initial ideas about potential projects, themes and concepts that I was interested in. Listing specific areas I try to explore and engage with within my own work. This list, although a good starting point, has no real meaning or context without the other members of the collaboration. I don't want to have a fully developed idea alone, the group need to be together from the initial conception of an idea to its full realisation.

In reflection, I realised that the root of my practice is in the process. I love to paint, and make, that is my practice and my passion. The downside of this is that it can too easily dictate the direction of a collaborative project. The most difficult thing, for me, was this idea of letting the final outcome go, and with it the indulgent link to my own practice. I need to fully immerse myself in the potential of a collaborative project. This, in theory, will help me learn and accquire new skills from other collaborators but also develop my own skills set. Afterall, one of the main purposes of studying an MA is to become a multi-model practitioner.

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