Tuesday 26 January 2016

Meeting 26.01

Initial ideas development of sound and reactionary movement. How do people react to sound? How do people move through a space? Does sound affect mood? Does colour affect mood?

Experiment ideas: Colour
Test 1: gender difference – participants to pick the colour they use.
Test 2: mood – participants to pick any colour
Test 3: mood – do selected sounds affect mood?

Experiment ideas: Sound
Test 1: sound in specific places
Test 2: sound in different places
Test 3: follow your favourite sound

1.    What sounds did you hear?
2.    What colour did you use?
3.    How do you feel?
Please leave a foot print below…

Projected timetable:

3 weeks
Research and development of experiments, including paint testing, room sourcing, initial research about colour, sound and data visualization, flyer design and distribution, technical set up (including speakers, and video recording and cameras) questionnaire design and test.

2 weeks
Data capture. Experiments to run for a number of days over the course of two weeks. DOCUMENT THIS PROCESS THOROUGHLY INCLUDING SET UP AND REMOVAL.

5 weeks
Designing and developing final outcome ideas. Think about group output as well as individual output. For example: Kal – fabric samples, Erika – film, Amy – publication (this can be developed after we’ve collected the content.

FINAL DEADLINE 5th – 12th April

For next week:
·      Research and record specific sounds to discuss                       E & K
·      Email specific galleries, about spaces                                       A
·      Email Mike about sound equipment                                           A
·      Contact Sam Wheil and arrange potential meeting                   A
·      Research fabric options                                                             K
·      Research disposable shoe covers                                             E
·      Set up research blogs                                                                ALL

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